Autodesk AutoCAD (Online) With Freelancing

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$80.000 /1pc
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Course Outline:

Chapter 1: Getting Started with AutoCAD

1.1 Starting the Software

1.2 User Interface

1.3 Working with Commands

1.4 Workspace

1.5 Opening an Existing Drawing File

1.6 Viewing Your Drawing

1.7 Saving Your Work

Chapter 2: Basic Drawing and Editing Commands

2.1 Drawing Lines

2.2 Erasing Objects

2.3 Drawing Vertical and Horizontal Lines

2.4 Drawing Rectangles

2.5 Drawing Circles

2.6 Undo and Redo Actions

Chapter 3: Projects: Creating a Simple Drawing

3.1 Create a Simple Drawing

3.2 Create Simple Shapes

Chapter 4: Drawing Precision in Auto CAD

4.1 Using Running Object Snaps

4.2 Polar Tracking at Angles

4.3 Object Snap Tracking

4.4 (Optional) Drawing with Snap and Grid

Chapter 5: Making Changes in Your Drawing

5.1 Selecting Objects for Editing

5.2 Moving Objects

5.3 Copying

5.4 Rotating Objects

5.5 Scaling Objects

5.6 Mirroring Objects

Chapter 6: Projects: Making Your Drawings More Precise

6.1 Practice

Chapter 7: Organizing Your Drawing with Layers

7.1 Creating New Drawings With Templates

7.2 What are Layers?

7.3 Layer States

7.4 Changing an Object’s Layer

Chapter 8: Advanced Object Types

8.1 Drawing Arcs

8.2 Drawing Polylines

8.3 Editing Polylines

8.4 Drawing Polygons

8.5 Drawing Ellipses

Chapter 9: Analyzing Model and Object Properties

9.1 Working with Object Properties

9.2 Measuring Objects

Chapter 10: Projects: Drawing Organization and Information

10.1 Practice

Chapter 11: Advanced Editing Commands

11.1 Trimming and Extending Objects

11.2 Stretching Objects

11.3 Creating Fillets and Chamfers

11.4 Offsetting Objects

11.5 Creating Arrays of Objects

Chapter 12: Inserting Blocks

12.1 What are Blocks?

12.2 Working with Dynamic Blocks

12.3 Inserting Blocks

12.4 Inserting Blocks using the Tool Palettes

12.5 Inserting Blocks using the Design Center

Chapter 13: Setting Up a Layout

13.1 Working in Layouts

13.2 Creating Layouts

13.3 Creating Layout Viewports

13.4 Guidelines for Layouts

Chapter 14: Printing Your Drawing

14.1 Printing Concepts

14.2 Printing Layouts

14.3 Print and Plot Settings

Chapter 15: Projects: Preparing to Print

15.1 Practice

Chapter 16: Text

16.1 Working with Annotations

16.2 Adding Text in a Drawing

16.3 Modifying Multiline Text

16.4 Formatting Multiline Text

16.5 Adding Notes with Leaders to Your Drawing

16.6 Creating Tables

16.7 Modifying Tables

Chapter 17: Hatching

17.1 Hatching

17.2 Editing Hatches

Chapter 18: Adding Dimensions

18.1 Dimensioning Concepts

18.2 Adding Linear Dimensions

18.3 Adding Radial and Angular Dimensions

18.4 Editing Dimensions

Chapter 19: Projects: Annotating Your Drawing

19.1 Practice

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